Monthly Archives: October 2011

Things I Will Miss…

We leave Australia in only 2 more days. Mostly I’ve been feeling happy, because I’ve really missed family and friends, but of course all the things I will really miss have started to pop up too. Some of the things I will miss the most: 1. Patak’s Butter Chicken – Oh.My.Gosh. This stuff is amazing! … Continue reading »

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Brisbane – Part 2

I wrote previously about the majority of our time in Brisbane – not some of my happiest memories from our time here in Australia. But, our last day in Brisbane really was wonderful. Daniel’s conference was over so we got to spend the day together as a family, and opted for the Lone Pine Koala … Continue reading »

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Brisbane – Part 1

The 6 days before Ayers Rock, we were in Brisbane for a work-related conference for Daniel. We arrived in Brisbane and drove around in our rental car awhile as Naomi napped in the car. We drove across the major bridge in Brisbane, the Story Bridge. It was neat, although of course a lot smaller than … Continue reading »

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Ayers Rock, Day Three – Uluru

[Well, it’s almost a week after these events now, because Daniel’s computer has died (again) so not only is processing photos almost impossible on my super-slow machine, but I have almost no access to this blog because it is needed by Daniel to do his job. But I’ll do my best to keep up!] Our … Continue reading »

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Ayers Rock, Day Two: Hike in the Olgas

I mentioned yesterday that we were planning to stick to Sydney time while here at Ayers Rock, since we’ll only be here a few days. This leads to all kinds of interesting things like eating lunch at 9:30 or 10 am, Naomi going to bed at 5:30 pm, and all of us rising for the … Continue reading »

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Uluru (Ayers Rock) – Day One

We flew in to Yulara today (posting this a few days after it was written, to include pictures). Yulara is the town near Uluru, the famous rock in the middle of the Australian Outback which is also known as Ayers’ Rock. The trip has made for several firsts – our first time in the Northern … Continue reading »

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Zoo with Nana

Backlogged Day 4 of Nana/Papa visit. After our fun weekend, Daniel went back to work and the rest of us tried not to rub it in too much that we were either (a) on vacation (my parents), (b) working a job that lets us go outside and explore the city (me), or (c) so young … Continue reading »

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Springing Ahead

Yesterday was unexpectedly Daylight Savings here in Australia. We had absolutely no clue, except that our computers are both smarter than we are, so when we noticed that they had jumped ahead an hour in about the middle of the day, we were baffled. The mystery began several weeks ago when we were booking a … Continue reading »

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Those Australian Meat Pies are Yummy Afterall

After trying various meat pies here I wasn’t very impressed with this Australian “national dish.” That is, until we went to the famous Harry’s Cafe de Wheels. They were excellent. Lots of well-known people have eaten the pies here, including Colonel Sanders of KFC fame. Check out the inset image for a closeup of the … Continue reading »

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