Author Archives: Daniel

Those Australian Meat Pies are Yummy Afterall

After trying various meat pies here I wasn’t very impressed with this Australian “national dish.” That is, until we went to the famous Harry’s Cafe de Wheels. They were excellent. Lots of well-known people have eaten the pies here, including Colonel Sanders of KFC fame. Check out the inset image for a closeup of the … Continue reading »

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A view inside the Opera House

One thing I like about the Opera House is how the inside structure complements the unique exterior design. My goal in this photo was to give a view into the interesting concrete ribs, glass, and metal that you see inside while showing the outside at the same time. This is the “backside” to the smallest of … Continue reading »

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Opera Bar Panorama

I just posted a new photo to my photoblog showing the Opera Bar at night with its incredible views.

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Photos from our first month

We just posted a new set of photos – our first month in Sydney, and our visit to the Blue Mountains. See the photos here.

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Shimmering Opera House

It seems I will never get tired of shooting the Sydney Opera House due to its interesting shapes and the way it catches the sunlight. It seems there is always a new angle or different light to capture. The sun was bursting through the clouds this particular day. Shot from one of the Sydney ferries … Continue reading »

Categories: Photos | 1 Comment

Traveling Salesman, Minus Dwight & Michael

Part of my job here in Australia is sales, which I find somewhat amusing since that’s one of the things I thought I’d never do in my life. Fortunately I’ve watched The Office so I know how to do sales right. In fact, my first sales trip was a bit like an episode from that … Continue reading »

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Sydney Harbour on Blue – Panorama

This evening we decided to eat dinner down by the water along a short walkway down the hill from our apartment. It was a wonderful place to enjoy our meal while listening to the lazy waves and watching the city lights come to life as the sun faded. I was bummed I hadn’t brought my … Continue reading »

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Sydney Harbour Panorama by Day & by Night

You can click on a photo for a bigger version.

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Sydney Harbour Timelapse Video at Sunset

I’ve always wanted to do a time-lapse video like this, but usually it requires camping out by your camera for a long time in one place which is often hard to do. But the patio of our apartment here in Sydney is perfect for this since I can leave my camera out there snapping away … Continue reading »

Categories: Video | 3 Comments

A quick update…and our view

I’ll leave it to Katie to fill you in on the details, but the quick update is that we finally moved into the apartment. After 48 hours of airing the place out (fortunately there are a lot of windows to allow for a good breeze), and some major steam cleaning (sofas, pillows, both mattresses, and … Continue reading »

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